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What is the Difference between Delta 8 and Delta 9?

Delta 8 and Delta 9 are both forms of THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), which is the compound in cannabis that is responsible for its psychoactive effects. The main difference between the two is the location of a double bond on the molecule. Delta 8 has the double bond on the 8th carbon atom, while Delta 9 has the double bond on the 9th carbon atom. This slight structural difference leads to some differences in the effects of the two forms of THC. Delta 8 is said to have a milder psychoactive effect than Delta 9, and may have potential therapeutic uses such as reducing anxiety and nausea. However, delta 9 is more commonly found and more researched.

The difference between Delta 8 and Delta 9 is most commonly noted in the dosing. Delta 9 tends to be "stronger" than Delta 8 at the same doses. A good rule of thumb when altering the dosing is a 3 to 1 ratio of Delta 8 to Delta 9. For example, if you generally take 25-30 mg of Delta 8 you will likely find the same effects with 1/3 of the dose, or 8-10 mg. Delta 9 is more similar to "traditional" edibles available in adult use states than Delta 8. Delta 8 tends to be a lighter mind high and promotes relaxation. Delta 8 is commonly used to relax and fall asleep naturally, without alcohol or pharmaceuticals.

Delta 8 and Delta 9 are similar, but there are notable differences in the dosing. Be aware of how each affects you and you can easily adjust the dosing to find the best dosage of each for your desired effect.

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