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Our Story


Maria's Medicinals started as a way to help others.  Our story is about finding simple solutions to simple problems without creating collateral damage.  We are a woman owned small business hoping to do good in the world.


My name is Maria, and this is my story: In 2017, I was dealing with a high stress job that contributed to my difficulty sleeping, anxiety and depression, and I was also being treated for ADHD.  I was searching for an alternative to a mounting number of prescriptions; seemingly each additional one given to combat the side effects of another.  Although I was under the supervision of a physician, the medication I was taking was hurting my health.  I felt worse than when started seeking help.  I began researching medical marijuana as an alternative to the regiment of different pills that seemed to increasingly do more harm than good.  Cannabis was not something I was familiar with nor had done recreationally, so there was a great deal of research into the plant and mechanisms of use. Still not fully understanding it or having any single resource that seemed to comprehensively discuss the pros and cons of medical cannabis, I began to experiment. 


Unfortunately the state in which I lived did not have legal medical cannabis, so my experimentation was short lived during regular trips to states where recreational cannabis use is legal.  I found surprising relief from anxiety and the sleep disturbances that were contributing to my chronically lowered mood.  On these trips my outlook and energy displayed some bright spots, and I realized that for me this was far better than whatever combination of pills my doctor had been giving me for almost 3 years!  I immediately stopped taking the sleeping pills I had been prescribed , but my improved sleep wasn't sustainable because medical cannabis was not available to me in my home state.  Then came the 2018 Farm Bill and in looking for legal alternatives, I discovered CBD. As I began to take the CBD daily, over time, I just felt better.  Happier.  Nothing specific.  Not high; not sleepy, but relaxed.  Taking CBD regularly allowed me relief of my discomfort without the need for stimulants and depressants to balance each other out.  


Having stopped all prescriptions and being able to better cope, there was still a vice that remained.  Alcohol allowed a disconnect and greater control over relaxation in the evenings; yes, drinking to relax became a crutch.  It was the discovery of Delta 8 that made the biggest difference.  Delta 8 elevated the relaxation that was being achieved with CBD.  It was like a Colorado high, but it was milder, easier to manage, and legal in my state.  I found myself feeling better than I had in years. I shared the benefits with family members, and they also felt a change for the better.  I launched Maria's Medicinals in order to share the amazing benefits of this all-natural and effective compound with others.  CBD has been such a gift for my health and wellbeing, and I hope to help others learn about the positive effects of CBD and natural health products.

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